Diamond Light Couple Sessions:
Awakening Together (Dialectic Inquiry)
Work with John Patrick Sullivan & Ayn Cates Sullivan who have spent the past 16 years in a Beloved marriage and partnership practicing the art of awakening together. Using inquiry, we truly can help each other in the spiritual awakening process.

Guidelines for Awakening Together Through Dialectic Inquiry
Our main practice is Inquiry, the path that has been used for thousands of years for liberation and ultimately Self-Realization.
The focus of this practice is on understanding and opening up to the divine within ourselves and discovering our True Nature.
Adhering to a set time develops a strong container for relating. (Usually 15-20 minutes with 5-10 minutes sharing.)
We are shifting focus away from personality towards an expanded sense of self. Meanwhile, honor what comes up.
Trust creates openness, understanding and beautiful relationships.
We promise to support our process and the unfolding True Nature of our partner.
We commit to maintaining an open-minded curiosity.
We take full responsibility for all of our thoughts, words and deeds.
We never blame our partner for how we feel, for our feelings are our responsibility.
We inquire into and explore the messages our feelings have for us.
The words we use are vibrations that have enormous impact, and so we need to choose our words carefully.
Our thoughts, our conversations and our actions inform and create the world we live into. Let’s be conscious creators.
We all already have what we need within ourselves and our partners can help us remember what we may have forgotten.
Practice listening to your partner with no agenda.
Develop an attitude of neutral loving kindness.
Do not interrupt another’s monologue.
Ask questions, but do not interpret.
Trust the process.
NEVER physically act out on your self or your partner. No violence. Physical abuse ends relationships.
NEVER verbally assault your partner. If you do, apologize immediately. Verbal abuse ends relationships.
Stay clean and clear with all of your agreements, especially regarding sexuality and finances.
Clean up all addictive or codependent behaviors with a therapist, mentor or 12 step program.
When triggered let your partner know that you would like to find time to inquire to explore your feelings and insights later when you feel calm.
Keep impeccable agreements with your partner.
Show up on time. This shows that you respect your partner.
Process difficult material with a therapist.
Practice love, kindness and support with your partner.
Set times aside for special dinners, walks and dates.
Remember that your Inner Guidance and True Nature ultimately will reveal great wisdom, truth and love.
Honor your partner and see the Light in them.
Trust your inner guidance, it will lead you Home.
About John Patrick Sullivan: http://ayncatessullivan.com/jp-sullivan/