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10 Compassionate Tips on Bullying

Ayn Cates Sullivan

10 Compassionate Tips on Bullying by AynCates on October 28, 2013 in Uncategorized

10 Compassionate Tips on Bullying From Children’s Book Author Ayn Cates Sullivan. By Christopher Caplan, RYOT News “Stand up for yourself!” or “Just tell an adult!” are the all too common responses given to children who suffer from bullying. Considering that 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year, the rowdy and defensive antidote is doing little to curb the growing social epidemic. Ayn Cates Sullivan, Ph.D, is an inspirational author who wrote a children’s book series to help her daughter cope with bullying. Ayn wanted to help her daughter understand the nature of suffering, and non-violent and intelligent ways to respond these situations. Her upcoming book in the series, Sparkle and the Light, is a spellbinding story-within-a-story which invites us to treat negative problems such as bullying with a conscious approach, lending compassion to both the victim and the bully, and reinforcing positive thinking, self-acceptance and living from a place of authenticity.

Here are ten tips from Ayn, gleaned from the wisdom of Sparkle and the Light. 1) You have a right to defend yourself and set healthy boundaries. Often the best form of defense is simply having the wisdom to walk a different direction if you can. 2) Remember you are a valuable human being that can never be replaced. Anyone that does not see you as valuable does not need to be included in your circle of friends. Always strive to be neutral, balanced and kind. 3) Never engage in harm, including self-harm or negative self-talk. 4) Remember that anything you might have said or done can be forgiven. All we need to do is our best. 5) Life is about learning and some of the greatest leaders made terrible mistakes and grew from the experience. We can clean up our messes, go on and do better. 6) Ask an adult for help if the bullying continues. 7) Remember that we can always creatively solve any issue, even the ones that seem impossible. 8) Treat others the way you would like to be treated and apologize if you need to, even if it is to yourself. 9) Forgiveness is the key that frees us from pain. Say, “I forgive you, please forgive me, let’s forgive each other. Thank you!” 10) Rain or shine, love yourself and love all people.

Sparkle and the Light will be available through her website, Amazon and select bookstores throughout Southern California on November 4th.

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