Dear --
May is the time of year when the flowers are blossoming and it is natural to yearn for love. And yet we need not go in search of something that is already within us. When we take the time to clear the dust of the world off of ourselves (by that I mean the negativity from our bodies and minds), our inner and outer worlds become more vital and alive. This is the practice of healing. Once we cleanse ourselves, we automatically reconnect with our true nature again . Once we are aware of the love that resides within, then it is only natural to want to share it with a special other. See if you experience a light transmission when you read these words from my book Unquenchable Spiritual Fire:
Infinite One
Please Help Me Recall
Your Warm And Tender Embrace
In the Moments When I Forget Who I Am
Please Whisper Messages To Me
So That I May Remember
That I Am Love
Thank You
Men and women who have been touched by the light of awareness have open hearts and infinite compassion for others. They also tend to be incredibly loving and sensual. We are irresistibly drawn to people who have remembered their divinity and live from that place.
This month www.lightworkersworld.com published my article entitled: "How To Awaken A Man's Heart: Keys To The Divine Masculine." In the article I write, "People flock to men who have an awakened heart for the love that they emanate nurtures us and simply being in their presence is healing. The dust of the world is brushed off in the presence of the divine for in the light of realized personages we are renewed and may have the grace to glimpse what it is to be truly human." After all, we are here on earth growing in terms of consciousness. It is wonderful to spend time with beautiful people who are a step ahead of us, for it quickens our growth and transformation.
The entire article can be read on my website: www.ayncatessullivan.com by clicking "Uplifting Articles" (the lower green button on the right of the home page) or the violet "Recent Posts." You can also visit www.lightworkersworld.com. Please share the article with all the men you love.
Much love & light!!!