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Ayn's Newsletter - Why Is Education Important?

Ayn Cates Sullivan

Dear --

        I spent part of the morning walking quietly amongst the tall trees and stone buildings of creative Naropa University and the lofty University of Colorado at Boulder campus. I have always loved universities. Any time I enter a place of learning I feel as though everything is possible. I was so inspired by the young women and men who shared some of their theses last night at the Nalanda Soiree. Women were speaking about the power of the feminine, menstruation, sex, death, addictions and love. Many were bold enough to state that it is the compassion of the heart that can bring healing to the world. I was reminded of the importance of education. So many people today think a college education is a waste of time. However, a liberal arts education is an important time for a young developing psyche. We all came to this earth with a special life purpose and mission. When we are young and independent we have the time to listen with the ears of our hearts, to speak from the place of our own personal brilliancy and to find the beginning of the path that is so important for our growth and continued evolution. We need this time to find our way, so that we can be contributions to society. There are also times when the shifts and turns of life require adults to return and look again for purpose and direction. I am thankful that there are quiet buildings where we can contemplate on the meaning of life and existence, for when we are sensitive to our own soul's pulse and know we are ready to re-enter the world in a new way, we can move from a place of intelligence. 

       During the Naropa commencement speech, author Pema Chodron spoke about failure. It was surprising at first because we tend to think of graduations as times of success and celebration. I must admit I was delighted to see my daughter walking across the stage to receive her degree. Yet Chodron reminded the students that when we are knocked down by the inevitable waves that life brings us, we must be willing to shake the sand from our eyes and hair and simply walk forward again. Eventually we become stronger and the waves tend not to seem as powerful.

       Blessings to all graduates today! And to all people who are actively engaged in the school of life! May you know that everything you need for your journey is already within you.

       With love & brilliancy,


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