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Ayn's Newsletter - The Infinite Light Team
Dear -- Three years ago Howard Wills opened the door to the Light for me and this body-mind complex dissolved into a Cosmic Intelligence...

101 Awesome Things to Do for Someone who is Sick
101 Awesome Things to Do for Someone who is Sick by AynCates on October 17, 2013 in Uncategorized My brilliant friend Elaine Wilkes PhD...

Ayn's Newsletter - Be A Light Upon The World
Dear -- If we see ourselves as brightly burning candles offering our light to the world, we might wonder what happens once the wick has...

Ayn's Newsletter - Inspiration From The Rosary Miracle
Dear -- Peacemaking is the secret to good health. When each day becomes a living prayer then we are led, guided, directed and...

Ayn's Newsletter - Kundalini Awakening
Hi Traveling is so refreshing for the soul. We see fresh places with new eyes and begin to hear the words others say with greater...

Ayn's Newsletter - Greetings From England And The Wisdom Of Making Amends
Hi Greetings from London, England! The first time I visited London I was twelve years old and I remember looking out of the window as...

Ayn's Newsletter - Sparkle & The Light Arrives In August!
Dear -- Yay! The next book in our Sparkle series, Sparkle and the Light, is at the printers and we are scheduled to have the first...

Ayn's Newsletter - Kauai & The Practice Of Life
Dear -- I am in the islands of Kauai this week. The land is covered with dense foliage that pierces the clouds at four thousand feet...

Recording of my poem “My Best Friend” by Hawaii
Recording of my poem “My Best Friend” by Hawaii by AynCates on July 13, 2013 in Poetry Spontaneous recording of my poem “My Best Friend”...

Meeting Ramana Maharshi: A Journey of Awakening
Meeting Ramana Maharshi: A Journey of Awakening by AynCates on July 7, 2013 in Embodiment Meeting Ramana Maharshi: A Journey of Awakening...

Ayn's Newsletter - We Don't Have To Cut Off Our Breasts - Detox Instead
Dear -- I have recently seen in the news celebrities announcing that they will have their breasts removed because they have a chance of...

Ayn's Newsletter - What Are Ghosts?
Dear -- The topic of the newsletters so far have been on illumination and the colorful nature of our consciousness. What of the...

Ayn's Newsletter - Glorious Summer
Dear -- It is summer and the light is shining fully upon us. It is a wonderful time to go outside and recharge each of your cells....

Ayn's Newsletter - My Closest Friend
Dear -- When I read this poem to a group I sometimes see people turn away and brush a tear from their cheek. Let's always remember...

Ayn's Newsletter - Illumination
Dear -- Summer is approaching quickly with its vibrant and colorful flowers. The children are finishing their school year and becoming...

Ayn's Newsletter - Let's Fill The Earth With Our Love
Dear -- The light is streaming into the world, raising the vibrations of the planet and encouraging us to become more attuned to and...

Ayn's Newsletter - In Search Of Love
Dear -- May is the time of year when the flowers are blossoming and it is natural to yearn for love. And yet we need not go in search...

How to Awaken a Man’s Heart: Keys to the Divine Masculine
How to Awaken a Man’s Heart: Keys to the Divine Masculine by AynCates on May 23, 2013 in Embodiment by Ayn Cates Sullivan, Ph.D. Men and...

Ayn's Blessing To Mothers
Dear -- This week I have been celebrating my mother, Gwen Cates, who is an amazing artist and who opened me up to the world of color and...

Ayn's Newsletter - Orange Blossoms In Ojai
Dear -- May has arrived and in Ojai the smell of orange blossoms permeates the valley with sweetness. It reminds me to be grateful for...
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