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Ayn's Newsletter - Paris, City of light
Dear -- People sometimes ask me where I get the inspiration for my books. In truth, they are often messages that come during times of...

Ayn's newsletter - The Quest For The Holy Grail
Dear -- I had a vision a few months ago of storytelling in sacred environments, and so I followed the guidance to a place where the wind...

Ayn's Newsletter - Loving Water, Exploring The Abundant Earth
Dear -- We are in a time of great change, of shift and awakening. Our cells are filling with light, our minds are evolving, and we need...

Ayn's Newsletter - Connect To Your Light And Live Into Your Dreams
Dear -- There are people who say, "Spirituality doesn't have any scientific basis. I don't believe in the Light." I'm always puzzled by...

A Story Of Becoming - Launch January
Dear -- It’s so important to take time to walk outside, to deeply breathe the air, to look into the eyes of another and truly see them....

Ayn's Newsletter - Women and Men Evolve Differently - Isn't That Wonderful?
Dear -- During the holidays we may face certain pressures that require our maturation and growth. This is the perfect time of year to...

Ayn's Newsletter - Creating What We Want
Dear -- The world we live in is stunning and filled with so many treasures. A wise practice is to remember to tune into our inner light...

Ayn's Newsletter - Peace In The New Era Of Light
Dear -- We are living in a new era of light and awareness. The world around us is changing rapidly and to match this increase in...

Living The Divine Feminine Free Teleconference this Wednesday
Dear -- There are goddesses and heroines from Celtic lore that can help us link to threads of light that empower and strengthen us....
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